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What are native species?

A species is "native", or indigenous to a given region or ecosystem, if its presence in that region is the result of only local natural evolution. In other words, it was not introduced into the area by humans (the "unnatural" species).

Native plant species (the focus of this page) are the ecological basis upon which life depends, including birds and people. Without them and the insects that co-evolved with them, local birds cannot survive. For example, research by the entomologist Doug Tallamy has shown that native oak trees support over 500 species of caterpillars whereas ginkgos, a commonly planted landscape tree from Asia, host only 5 species of caterpillars. When it takes over 6,000 caterpillars to raise one brood of chickadees, that is a significant difference.



Search Native Species

Common NameSpecies NameFamilyPlant TypeSourceRegionsOther Common Names
American BeautyberryCallicarpa americana
American HornbeamCarpinus carolinianaBetulaceaeWoody: Shrub/TreeBlue-beech, ironwood, musclewood and muscle beech
Bald CypressTaxodium distichumSwamp cypress, white cypress, tidewater red cypress, gulf cypress and red cypress
Black CherryPrunus serotinaWild black cherry, rum cherry, or mountain black cherry
Black GumNyssa sylvaticaTupelo, black tupelo, blackgum or sour gum
Black WalnutJuglans nigra
Bottlebrush buckeyeAesculus parvifloraSmall-flowered buckeye
Cherry LaurelPrunus carolinianaWoody: Shrub/TreePDCarolina laurelcherry, Carolina cherry, Cherry laurel
Cherrybark OakQuercus pagoda
HackberryCeltis occidentalisCannabaceaeWoody: TreeNettletree, sugarberry, beaverwood, northern hackberry, and American hackberry
NimblewillMuhlenbergia schreberiGraminoid: Perennialse US, Mexico, South America?CP PD
Painted BuckeyeAesculus sylvatica
PawpawAsimina trilobaAmerican papaw, pawpaw, paw paw, or paw-paw
Possumhaw HollyIlex deciduaAquifoliaceaePossumhaw, Possumhaw Holly, Deciduous Holly, Meadow Holly, Prairie Holly, Swamp Holly, Welk Holly, Deciduous Yaupon, Bearberry, Winterberry
Post OakQuercus stellataIron oak
Red buckeyeAesculus paviaFirecracker plant, scarlet buckeye, woolly buckeye
River BirchBetula nigraBlack birch, river birch or water birch
River oatsChasmanthium latifoliumFish-on-a-fishing-pole, northern wood-oats, inland sea oats, northern sea oats
SourwoodOxydendrum arboreumLily of the Valley Tree, Sorrel Tree
Swamp Chestnut OakQuercus michauxii
White OakQuercus Alba
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