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Many events have a gallery of photos on the Triangle Rewilding Google Drive. You can view details of the event or directly view the images in that event's folder.
Held OnLocationSpeciesSummaryVisit Folder
2025-01-27Bailey and Sarah Williamson PreserveChinese PrivetWhack! Whack! Whack! Goodbye Privet!
2025-01-26Williamson Drive Wisteria WedgeChinese WisteriaExtraordinary effort by the wonderful APO
2025-01-26Hillside ParkGlossy PrivetClear Invasives from Hillside Park
2025-01-25Hillside ParkGlossy PrivetMajor glossy privet cleanup at Hillside Park
2025-01-24Mason Farm Biological ReserveChinese WisteriaDecades of wisteria wiped out, big trees rescued!
2025-01-23Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornLots and LOTS of privet and buckthorn hits the dust
2025-01-18Brumley Preserve - SouthTriWild Saturdays
2025-01-17Bolin Creek TrailHorned HollyCulling of large horned holly, wisteria, bittersweet, privet
2025-01-16Leigh Farm ParkChinese PrivetAarush and Steven plow through the privet
2025-01-15Brumley Preserve - SouthChinese PrivetDiscovery and eradication of more big Chinese privet
2025-01-13Bailey and Sarah Williamson PreserveChinese PrivetBig privets dismantled
2025-01-12Fearington Boat RampChinese PrivetA whole lot of Chinese privet comes down at Fearington Point
2025-01-10Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornMessing with Buckthorn at Mason Farm Reserve
2025-01-09Leigh Farm ParkChinese PrivetClearing the privet thicket
2024-12-28Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn Olive100th tree rescue at Brumley South!
2024-12-26Leigh Farm ParkChinese PrivetPrivet removed near easement to celebrate the coming year
2024-12-24Battle Branch TrailChinese PrivetMop up operations focused on privet and English ivy
2024-12-23Rocky Creek ParkGlossy PrivetTwo big stands of glossy privet, gone
2024-12-23Dry Creek TrailAutumn OliveA sweep of autumn olive and thorny olive, with a dash of kudzu
2024-12-21Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveUnderstory cleared of olive, now without leaves
2024-12-20The Wendy Olson ArboretumEnglish IvyMajor ivy killing across the street
2024-12-19Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornSmallish buckthorn killed near turnabout
2024-12-09Bailey and Sarah Williamson PreserveChinese PrivetThis time it was all privet, all the time
2024-12-07Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveAnother wide swatch of understory olive near Rigsbee Rd N GONE!
2024-12-05Leigh Farm ParkChinese PrivetClear privet next to the easement
2024-12-04Purefoy Road BackwoodsChinese WisteriaInitial wisteria cut at Purefoy Road
2024-12-02Bailey and Sarah Williamson PreserveChinese PrivetClearing of area near trail intersection completed
2024-11-30White Oak ParkChinese PrivetLots of big privet and horned holly come down
2024-11-25Bailey and Sarah Williamson PreserveBradford PearBig Bradford pear and privet come down at the end of Walnut Hill Way
2024-11-23Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveMajor olive cleanup near Rigsbee Rd N
2024-11-22Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornMajor clearing of buckthorn along creek
2024-11-21Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornUnderstory cleared of scattered buckthorn and multiflora
2024-11-20Battle Branch TrailChinese PrivetClear the nasty section next to boardwalk
2024-11-20Black Creek GreenwayAutumn OliveUprooting After a Good rain
2024-11-18Bailey and Sarah Williamson PreserveBradford PearInaugural clearing of Bradford pear and privet
2024-11-17Leigh Farm ParkChinese PrivetField of privet begone!
2024-11-16Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveTriWild Saturdays
2024-11-15Brumley Preserve - SouthTree of HeavenMajor hack-and-squirt of ailanthus and paulownia trees
2024-11-13Battle Branch TrailChinese PrivetClean up of remaining big privet south of boardwalk
2024-11-12Battle Branch TrailChinese PrivetMore privet removed along waterway
2024-11-10Coker PinetumChinese PrivetAPO + Carborro HS students take down tangles of privet and wisteria
2024-11-09Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveChapel of the Cross crew clears a hillside of autumn olive
2024-11-08Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornEmbankment cleanup to catch up with creek bank cleanup
2024-11-04Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornAnother round of intense buckthorn demolition
2024-11-02Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveCORD Raleigh lead a clearing of hillside olive
2024-11-01Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveOlive cleared down hill from old caretaker home
2024-10-31Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornGlorious Three Hour Buckthorn Chainsaw Massacre
2024-10-29Booker CreekThorny OliveRemove olive along Crow Branch feeder
2024-10-28Mason Farm Biological ReserveDahurian BuckthornMore buckthorn cleared along Morgan Creek
2024-10-26Brumley Preserve - SouthAutumn OliveHigh schoolers + lots of first timers tackle the olive
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